Warping On a Shoestring


by Nadine Sanders

Janet Nyquist presented this warping method in the 1970’s. Joyce Harter used this method when teaching weaving to high school crafts classes and in her liturgical weaving business. Nadine teaches this method to experienced and beginning weavers alike. Although this is a back to front method, weavers who warp other ways can utilize the tying on and tensioning with shoestrings as described in the booklet. Copyright 2001 The Singing Weaver

This method consists of the following:

  • Using string cradles to hold lease sticks, rods, and the beater
  • Using a supplementary warp beam rod
  • Using shoestrings for tensioning the warp
  • Removing a warp quickly

Advantages of this method:

  1. ease of tensioning
  2. speeds up warping process
  3. works with all kinds of warp materials and varying texture of yarns
  4. saves warp
  5. perfect warp tension

In addition, directions for warping a second warp beam are included.

Photographs with simple instructions allow you to follow along as you warp your loom. This book has a companion DVD, Warping on A Shoestring Copyright 2000 The Singing Weaver.



Publisher: The Singing Weaver 2001
Language: English
Softcover: 22 pages

Dimensions 11 × 8.5 × .25 in

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